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You wouldn't call yourself a feminist? Well, no need - just be one.

un-judging feminism



this is no-f, a lifestyle and fashion brand

promoting the benefits of feminism.


No-fs are dudes who don't like to call themselves feminists – Okay.

Everybody has their own personal experience with feminism and there are still some occasions where it is difficult to identify with it.

So we made it our business to un-judge the whole thing & clean up with prejudices and to open up the conversation

– and just as a treat on the side we started

a sweet fashion brand that lives up to it: no-f.

Oh, and no-f means no-feminist.
Yes, this is serious.


the  no-fs




the first collection is out  – The no-fs and where they hang out

No•Pink ['nǝʊpínk] adj.  


The denial of the colour pink, stemming from a profound detestation of the almost exclusive association of the colour with the female sex in historical and contemporary precedents. Let’s make pink unisex again. No-f don’t like pigeonholing.

Sand•wich•ma•ker ['sαn(d)wɪdʒmeɪkǝ] n.  


Since the traditional breadwinner is on the verge of extinction, another species has begun to grab hold of modern society. Characterized by an emancipated form of existance, the Sandwichmaker carries an enlighened, feminist attitude and spreads awareness of the mutual advantages of the redistribution of household tasks. 

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Dir•ty ['dəː ti] adj. 

Describes something or someone that is not physically clean and is actually

the opposite. It can also be used to describe a naughty or promiscuous person pertaining to their bedroom activities, regardless of gender. So either grab

a bar of soap or just accept being dirty all together and forget about all the stereotypes. No-fs like whatever.

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Ac•ti•va•ted ['aktɪveɪtɪd] adj. 


A mental state affecting one’s attitude, having little to no relation to
activism, extroversion or any sort of physical activity. Activated sorts are known for their feminist perspectives and supporting all genders without joining a political coalition and leaving the comfort of their couches.
They also like letter soup. 

Ho•mie  ['həʊmi]  n. 


A liberated person who chooses to stay at home simply enjoying the 

benefits of paternity leave; ex: playing with the cat, tending to the indoor plant collection, rocking on the children’s swing, and of course, taking 

care of the children.

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Star•mad ['stα:mαd] adj. 


A mental state which arises when a person deems the complications of language by the introduction of politically correct language as unnecessary in everyday life. Those affected tend to pay no mind to the numerous, profound benefits it brings. Luckily, as this concerns mainly the creature of habit, it can be assumed to be a purely temporary phenomenon.

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Pret•ty ['prɪti] adj.  


An attribute used to describe a person or on’s self regardless of their gender. Ex: “I feel pretty” “You look pretty” “You are pretty”. Above all else, the word serves as a big, fat NO to toxic masculinity and toxic, unrealistic beauty standards; Contrarily, it shouts out a colossal YES to whatever and whoever one feels like being. 

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